Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly

Bee pollen is not the same as allergy-causing pollen that is carried by the wind. It rarely causes allergy symptoms. It is actually the male seed of a flower blossom which are collected by the honey bees and mixed with the bees’ digestive enzymes. Bee pollen is low in calories but rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, beneficial fatty acids, carbohydrates, and bioflavonoids which are anti-viral, antibacterial and helpful in lowering cholesterol, stabilising and strengthening capillaries. Its ability to rejuvenate the body, stimulates organs, enhances vitality and accelerate rate of recovery makes it a popular tonic among athletes and sportsmen.

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Love this store and the service! Can't go wrong with the more you buy the more you save. I cook with many of the Olive oils and grabbed some grapeseed oil this time with some pasta. You just can't go wrong. My favorite has to be the Lemon oils can't go wrong with chicken fish or potatoes. When I'm anywhere near I have to take a detour to stop by.

Michelle G.

This place has lots of different kinds of olive oil and they are all freshly made in store! The staff is all very knowledgeable and friendly. I highly recommend visiting here as it is a very fun place to visit and it's nice to try all of the different olive oils!

Jetrino O.

Unique variety of olive oils and vinegars. They have samples as well. I really liked the basil fennel olive oil. The staff is very helpful and friendly.

Sindi M.

Love this store and the service! Can't go wrong with the more you buy the more you save. I cook with many of the Olive oils and grabbed some grapeseed oil this time with some pasta. You just can't go wrong. My favorite has to be the Lemon oils can't go wrong with chicken fish or potatoes. When I'm anywhere near I have to take a detour to stop by.

Michelle G.

This place has lots of different kinds of olive oil and they are all freshly made in store! The staff is all very knowledgeable and friendly. I highly recommend visiting here as it is a very fun place to visit and it's nice to try all of the different olive oils!

Jetrino O.